look: A dieta das famosas

The Macrobiotic Diet of Gwyneth Paltrow Her secret:
biological food and macrobiotic diet. The Actress doesn’t eat processed products or refined food, none meat, fish, eggs and lacteal products. Gwyneth Paltrow essentially eats fruits, vegetables, wholemeal, cereals…
Português: Ela não come alimentos processados, carne, peixe, ovo, e lactose. Essencialmente, ela só come frutas, vegetais, farinha integral e cereais..
Typical menu of the Macrobiotic Diet: miso soup + steamed fish + infusion.
Should I follow the macrobiotic diet or not?
According to our experts: “The Macrobiotic Diet is a healthy recommended diet. The daily consumption of organic farming cereals has huge benefits for health (proteins, vitamins, minerals and fibber). The trouble, if we take too many carbohydrates, the excess of glucose can become fat.”
Celebrity cellulite:
Gwyneth Paltrow tips for cellulite The actress says that after a shower and after having practiced exercise, it’s the best moment to apply an cellulite cream. During this period, it increases the blood in vessels and the pores are dilated, so the product for cellulite is absorbed much better.Gwyneth Paltrow recommends to put cream with vigorous and circular movements.
Português: A atriz recomenda passar creme para celulite após praticar exercícios, pois nesse período o sangue circula, os poros se dilata, e o produto é facilmente absorvido.
RESUMINDO: NÃO COMA, MALHE E NASÇA DE NOVO! SE vc quiser ser como ela!
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